
.NET | Dr Dobb's

Enterprise Libraryの概説とData Access Application Blockでの開発例の記事のようです。 The seven blocks consist of: 1. Caching 2. Configuration 3. Cryptography 4. Data Access 5. Exception Handling 6. Logging and Instrumentation 7. Security DA…

WebORB(via tss.net)

http://www.theserverside.net/news/thread.tss?thread_id=35785 Universal Connectivity for Mobile, Desktop and Web Applications | Midnight Coders Flash ORBがAjax対応して名称変更したらしい。相変わらず、FAQがリンク切れしたままだ・・・(^^;。

Will you bite the hand that feeds?

2chにセットリスト載ってた・・・。>サマソニ Pinion Wish Sin March Of The Pigs The Line Begins To Blur Something I Can Never Have The Hand That Feeds Terrible Lie Burn Closer With Teeth The Frail The Wretched Getting Smaller Gave Up Suck Hu…